2011-05-31 16:22:15 |
rich boys love 19
No, Leon wants Alexanda spelt like that because he wants are son to have a sence of difference. I however have mixed feelings on the matter |
2011-05-31 16:23:51 |
rich boys love 19
Closetcase, in the next part I ask Leon to marry me at the beach, |
2011-05-31 16:33:19 |
rich boys love 19
I'm sorry i thought you had guessed up out, Well me and Leon are going to have a meal so we will be about 20 minutes before Leon starts writting the rest of the story. We are at the Spencer Estate at the minute but tonight Leon is coming to my house (wink wink) |
2011-05-31 18:47:09 |
rich boys love 19
lol sorry guy me and harvey ended up having sex i will write the next part now x |
2011-05-31 19:47:38 |
rich boys love 19
closet case its beening published now |