Comments from richbitch

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-01 05:30:31 rich boys love 20 Mr Angel, mine and Leon's story is 100 percent true

ClosetCase i'm not going to tell you lol
2011-06-01 05:42:17 rich boys love 20 angel its leon your boyfriend maybe be ready for sex but my the sounds of things you are not alos the 5th grade is to early to have sex there is a reason sex has a age restriction on it because your body isnt ready enough to have sex so this this what i think you should do i think you should talk to your boyfriend and exsplain you are not ready if he accepts that then thats good if not he is only after some ass
2011-06-01 08:25:45 rich boys love 20 haha harvey said i should do a question leon page lol x
2011-06-01 13:15:19 rich boys love 20 part 21 has just been published and question leon sounds good lol x
2011-06-02 15:55:34 rich boys love 21 excuse me for my rudeness everyone

who the fuck do you think you are yeah we are rich get over it and the reason we are is because my grandad was a us senitor that gave my mom enough moeny to go to law school and she build her career up after graduation over the past 20 years all that and rasing a son my father also went to college to learn business and he clawed his way up in a business working every hour god sent him then he chose to open a business of his own and i plan on doing the same building my self up so go fuck your self jack ass