Comments from ClosetCase

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-01 11:30:26 rich boys love 20 LOL you could call it Leonardo's Ask Me Anything page!
2011-06-01 11:31:26 rich boys love 20 It could be HAHA!
2011-06-02 00:44:31 rich boys love 21 had a long day today, i went over to fenway park to watch the red sox lose then i was in boston all day jumping from bar to bar, then the bruins lose a heartbreaker with 18 sec left. at least i can come home and read another chaper of quite possibly the best story i have ever read. thanks guys!
2011-06-02 00:49:08 rich boys love 21 not to mention we had to listen and couldnt watch the 2nd period because the power went out at the bar because of all the stupid tornados.
2011-06-02 14:57:53 rich boys love 21 aww your such a fucked up white rich boy it must be hard having everything you stupid cunt


I dont get it Your angry at him because he and his family WORKED hard enough to EARN nice things? I highlighted those 2 words because most people that get angry about other people having nice things are usually lazy and ungrateful and anything you have is given to you and you just dont realize it I.E. Welfare food stamps subsidised housing. All gifts you do not EARN!