Comments from ClosetCase

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-09 05:36:57 new life part 1 (the follow on to rich boys love)_(1) that is unless your a bitch and truly do value your spoiled bitch ass richness money more than your love for you husband and your child and you were lieing all along saying you would trade it all for ture love
2013-03-09 05:45:24 new life part 1 (the follow on to rich boys love)_(1) when push comes to shove... aka right now for you, are you really willing to give it all up for harvey?
2013-03-11 04:20:18 new life part 1 (the follow on to rich boys love)_(1) I just think that your the one in a much better position to take action, and your not.
2013-03-16 04:44:16 new life part 1 (the follow on to rich boys love)_(1) on a side note, are either of you back in school yet?
2013-03-19 06:08:33 new life part 1 (the follow on to rich boys love)_(1) i guess what my point really is saying is, ironically, what money cant buy for most people, it can buy for you in this case; and you are really wasting your gift if you arent using it to get what you want and using it just to run as far away from a fight to get what you want.