Comments from Danejarous
Date | Story title | Comment |
2011-07-05 14:11:19 | (One comment below) Not an advertisement, just music for the mood. I have no idea how you figured this was an advertisement because I didn't even mention the name of the song, and I just politely asked you to put it in. If you didn't like the first two stories in the series, it might have been in your best interests to not even read this story. (guy who felt his opinion was so important he had to use up two comments) I laughed when I read your comments because you through so much trouble to tear me down without actually saying that you were. I talk like you are a professional writer. Your rules about writing are more like suggestions on how to write. I have never read a book that had only one characters dialogue per line/paragraph. As far as emotion goes, I don't know what else you want. A brother and sister going through their parents death would take the cake in a sane person's mind. Finally, "Mr. Anonymous Expert" where the hell are your stories? |
2011-07-05 20:21:30 | I do not know when part four is coming out. My story-boarding only made it this far and I am drawing a writer's block at the moment. I haven't felt like writing in about a week. I did start a side story, but only made it two paragraphs before I stopped. I haven't been feeling very good the last couple days and I don't want my writing to reflect that. Sorry. | |
2011-07-05 20:42:08 | A Brother's Enjoyment (Revised) | I don't know why every time I see your name on a new story I read it. I am not going to sugar coat it; your storytelling ability is horrendous. It feels like you are skipping around a lot; whether or not you are is a mystery. I guess I just read your stories because you seem to have great ideas, but you just lack the skill at getting them down. I am not tearing you down or anything, but your style feels rushed and even a quick look-over before posting would benefit your writing. I am not going to tell you how you should write, but please check your work before posting. I guess a neutral vote is in order because, like I said before, you have great ideas; you just need to tell them better. |
2011-07-07 11:46:38 | (one comment below) I would rather work it, than it work me. (two below) You're right; I have put off writing the next part too long. I just haven't felt any drive to write over the last week. I go through phases like this every two weeks. Please be patient a little longer. (three below) due to about a 100 people asking me my email; I guess the only thing to do is take the advice of a well respected writer on this site ad create a new one just for it. I'll get back to you when i create it. (4 below) A side story that I am working on needs the names of five guys. There shouldn't be a problem with using Colin. |
2011-07-08 10:01:31 | (one comment below) really, you're 13? Well, I guess it is cool to see that all ages can appreciate my writing. (two comments below) You do not understand. There are reasons why I can't write as often as I would like. BUT, as it is; I do plan on writing today because I am feeling a lot better (I wasn't sick). (four below) Evan sounds good |