Comments from NGSalem

Date Story title Comment
2011-07-29 23:42:41 Siblings can't be Separated Add this to end of your URL, you should be able to tell when to replace


Anything look familiar between that story and this story?

Say perhaps the name Oriana being repeated here on accident, or the whole beach sequence? He even stole a whole paragraph! This is the one from *My Sister Ashley 5*:

I gathered up a cooler and made lunches for the three of us, just some sandwiches and snacks really. I put on my sandals and threw my trunks and a few towels over my shoulder; I would get dressed in one of the changing stalls when we got there. I gathered up two beach chairs and a large umbrella and stashed them in the trunk of my car. A few minutes later Ashley appeared wearing a white and blue sundress and sandals, she had a tote bag in one hand and a towel in the other.

“Gonna change there?” I asked squinting in the sun before putting on my blue reflective sun glasses.

“No sense in causing an accident now is there?”
2011-07-30 21:31:13 Siblings can't be Separated To the guy below -

If the story was a copyrighted work, yes it'd be extremely illegal. But since it's on here, it's pretty much free game.

It's extremely rude, and frowned upon here to copy someone elses story, and this will get taken down pretty soon, but it's not illegal since Von Armand didn't copyright his stories.
2011-08-18 03:08:07 Siblings can't be Separated For those of not figuring it out, the poster below is VonArmand. He is the author of the 'My Sister Ashley' series, the one the beach scene was stolen from. You're pretty much fucked when the author comments on your story that you stole from him.

I do highly recommend reading the series, as it is extremely well written, with a lot of hot sex scenes to boot :P
2011-08-31 02:02:38 Taming my niece, Ashley I would have given this story a positive vote, had it not been shamelessly ripped off someone else. I'm tired of you ripping off other authors for your stories!

You have completely lost my respect as an author. The fact you call yourself one is sickening and insulting to those such as Blizzard.
2011-08-31 22:53:35 A wish for A wish 4 I do hope there's plans to continue this series...