Comments from NGSalem

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-09 20:27:09 MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 11 DINNER & A MOVIE (REVISED) I don't have a problem with him being late, per se.

I only have an issue with him continuing to make deadlines he can not meet. The whole issue with Part 10 coming out for instance. The previous 9 parts had all come out within two weeks of each other at the most. About four weeks in, he PROMISED it would be out in the next few days, another month and a half went by before it came out.

And now the same thing with this, he's telling us he's going to post a new one every Wednesday, here it is with just a few hours left on Wednesday, and still nothing.

I don't mind waiting several months for the next installment, at least he's honest about it.

Nobody likes being deceived, especially with such a high-strung story such as this, which is probably the most popular series on this website. We at least deserve honesty, not unstable deadlines.

Just be honest with us, if you have to take a month off for work, that's fine. But don't lie to us and make us extremely disappointed, please
2011-11-18 20:34:36 MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 11 DINNER & A MOVIE (REVISED) @ Anon 2011-11-17 12:00:19

No shit that book sequels often take 1 year + to come out, there's a shit ton of writing. Each of his Parts is about the length of one or two chapters in a proper novel. I wouldn't mind waiting a year for the rest of the story, as long as you have 30 + parts to give me. His first parts came out approximately every two weeks, I'd be fine waiting two weeks for a part, just as long as he keeps his word.

He gets everybody all hyped up for the stories then stymies our relief for an unknown amount of time.

Just take 30 seconds and write a comment on this story or SOMEWHERE saying "sorry guys busy with work, will get next part out asap".

At least let us know you haven't forgotten us or your deadline. This staving off almost seems intentional to increase the hype of this series.

You're starting to piss us off though, this is probably my favorite series on the site, and it annoys everybody here that you can't stick to a schedule.
