Comments from Magichands

Date Story title Comment
2008-04-29 11:29:18 Sharing a room with my sis Jen Interesting that she would react in so complex a way to being abused. I would like to hear the rest of your story.

If you want to get encouraging comments on this site you may have to proof read carefully. I assume that Meagan and Jennifer are the same person. Also maybe put in more detail, I think most people read for a thrill rather than any portrayal of social reality.

I hope you will write again, if you do please include descriptions of how you realised what had been happening to your sister, how she felt about you knowing, and what consequences it all had for everyone involved.
2008-05-23 08:44:42 Me and Mike in the Tree House Nice story girl, sounded real.
2008-05-23 08:37:09 Our First Night_(0) Great story Deedia, please write more.
2008-06-18 05:17:03 An Inmate's Tale Yes number 2 please but make it longer.
2008-06-20 10:29:10 Lindsay, me and her Mom I guess I shouldn't read all an author's work one after the other, but the same details over and over have lost me. The stories are ok but I won't read any more.