Comments from APerv2

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-15 13:33:19 Caught IV Sorry about that whole Bobby/Brian thing. In my defense; when you only have a few active brain cells, you tend to prioritize what you hold on too and what you just let float around. I can’t afford to lose something important…Name-Address-Names of my kids, that sort of thing. As soon as I figure out how to fix those mistakes, I’ll get right on it. Again-Sorry.
2011-08-15 23:43:58 Caught IV Ouch. That was pretty harsh. I know I’m apparently an idiot, but I find it a little odd {Maybe even ignorant} that you would consider the mistake a result of my poor education rather than a typing error. I get the feeling you used to take lunch money from idiots like me in grammar school. I gotta go, gotta put a band-aid on that new asshole you just ripped me.
Jack’s first cousin…Good one.
2011-08-18 11:44:23 Caught II She doesn't always cal him Bobby.
She calls him 'Robert' when she's trying to sound all pissed off...
And 'Bobby' when she's trying to sound more...motherly...nice.
I thought that might help show her conflict a little better.
Thanks for responding by the way.
2011-08-19 12:53:48 Caught IV I keep reading comments on a lot of stories about getting everyone (moms/sisters/grandma/ and whatever else you can stick a dick into) pregnant. What's up with that???
2011-09-03 15:54:43 Mom's Insecurities_(1) There is a Mom's Insecurities II that I posed but I'm an idiot and didn't have the II on it. Sorry!