Comments from APerv2

Date Story title Comment
2011-09-18 11:43:28 Earning the Afternoon I loved it. There’s something about a character having to be convened of what they really want. Hearing her giving in to the forbidden lust little by little was hot…Really hot. You could have drug that out for another hundred pages or so and I would have kept reading into the wee hours of the night. Thanks. I’m gunna hit some more of your stories now.
2011-09-22 13:10:11 Mom's Kids I To 2011-09-22 02-45-16,
Grammar has very little to do with my writing as some of you have so nicely pointed out. People don’t always use …good grammar…when they’re just talking to other people. When YOU tell one of your mates what another of your mates had told YOU…..Do you fix the grammar while passing it alone? I hope not. It’s just the way I talk…The way I write. I truly apologize to you…and anybuddy…it offends. I’m just tryin to write some hot stories and have some fun doin it; stories that…I… like and hope others might as well.
2011-10-04 21:05:32 Rachael, Great...Loved it. Loved it TOO much...Made me feel like was almost doing something wrong...Felt good. Great story...and you told it well. Thanks
2011-10-09 08:50:01 Dislexia? I don't see it. I loved this story. Second time I've read it. It made me jump right up to your story list to read what else ya got.
2011-10-10 11:07:03 My Son and I almost caught. Stumbled upon you, read a story and then started reading them all. They really…Move…me. (The true ones even more) I have no problem believing the true stories are indeed true. Regardless…They’re hot. And isn’t that what we all read them for? I’m a firm believer that ANYTHING you write about (Fiction, nonfiction, truth, or fantasy) there is someone…somewhere…that has tried it, does it, or wants to. Shawnababy, please keep doing what you do…and write about it.