2012-09-06 16:00:59 |
A Game of Inches - Part Fourteen
I do apologize for the delays but Hurricane Isaac smacked me in the ass, I am still trying to get my home cleaned up. I just got the power back on a few days ago. I promise to try and have a chapter out by the weekend, please be patient. |
2012-09-08 13:12:41 |
A Game of Inches - Part Fifteen
You my friend, spin a yarn as only you can. Working Ashley back into the story was a work of genius. It wiil be interesting to see how this all wraps up, but either way, I want to personally thank you for a very interesting read. You make your characters so real, so life like, that I almost feel like I'm in the story as well. The fact that the story had limited sex is what makes it seem so believable. This could really happen. Best of luck and continue to wite. I will continue to read. |
2012-09-10 17:05:04 |
A Game of Inches - Part Fifteen
To the reader two comments below : You're right about the fact I brought Ashley back in large part to requests by readers. I guess it was a mistake now looking back at it. It's hard to please everyone as I am finding out the more I write. At this time, I have put this story on the shelf, due to the large number of comments suggesting I end it. I'll give it some thought and maybe write a conclusion, obviously what I had in mind for the ending, will not be well liked now. As always, thanks for everyone's support. |
2012-09-17 09:24:19 |
A Game of Inches - Part Fifteen
To my readers, I'm not sure there will be a chapter 16, I have gotten so many nasty emails telling me I ruined the story simply by trying to give the readers what they want. I know now that was a mistake, but I am a new writer, I guess I need to learn. I do thank all the wonderful people who have backed me through the two stories I have written. To the ppl who chose to send me the nasty emails, I have spent hundreds of hours writing these stories for absolutely nothing. You get to read them for nothing. While you may hate my stories at least acknowledge the time I have invested in them. Just please tell me why you don't liek them, how you feel I can iprove etc. ......Telling me a mentally defective crackhead could write a better story is not constructive criticsm. I have enjoyed writing for you, and meeting some of you via email. To all of the wonderful writers on this site, keep up the good work, but stay true to yourself, something I have learned the hard way. Take care and be safe. |
2012-09-23 17:19:48 |
A Game of Inches - Part Fifteen
Wow, I have been out of pocket for a while but I see things have gotten a bit heated. Guys, everyone needs to calm down, it's simply a free story on an x rated site. The story means nothing in the grand scheme of things. If you like it ...fine, if you don't...that's fine too. Addressing the one comment made by a member, I do not leave anonymous posts, and I answer every email I get you can check with the readers. BUT the story has been shelved, I haven't started Chapter 16, nor I doubt I will. I was simply doing this for enjoyment. I understand I messed the story up, but who really cares ? And someone commented on how mechanical my sex scenes are, they are right, I find those the hardest to write, I know they are BAD. Anyway, everyone calm down, "A Game of Inches" is history, at least for now. Thanks everyone and good luck. |