Comments from AngelEyes15

Date Story title Comment
2012-02-15 12:53:51 You can read my later stories using my yellow AngelEyes15 profile link at the top of the page :)
2012-02-16 16:31:11 CAW 10 - The Banger Sisters Very nice story! Love the theme!!
2012-02-17 16:59:00 Thanks for that great comment Cuddles. And to you too xtreme, Hcb and Snow :)
2012-02-20 02:27:55 Personkind is what Mankind would become if we were all hermaphrodites with no Men :).
2012-02-20 15:56:08 CAW stands for Calling All Writers; it's a competition run in the Forum. Writers write within a given theme and then members vote and the story with most votes wins.. We put CAW in the title to make it an official entry. The theme for CAW 10 is The Best.something.