Comments from johnstr

Date Story title Comment
2012-05-13 13:51:40 Lake Tannin 3 Sorry dude, no pregnancys on Lake Tannin. Just love and sex
2012-05-26 21:26:09 Mind over Matter Chapter 1. You need to read through your story to correct your mistakes before publishing.
2012-06-05 14:35:14 Snow kitty you have hit a winner. Standing ovation.

2012-06-06 14:04:58 The Virgin Anabel‏ I wouldn't read it. Just a page of words. Try using paragraphs next time. negative vote.
2012-06-10 00:44:18 Mountain Rescue This and all of my stories are original works written by me. I hate when ass holes make accusations that they can not back up.