Comments from sn0wf1ake_91

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-06 20:32:13 rich boys love 39 Ya I have they r good I wish I had a friend like y'all. Y'all seem so cool to hag with and y'all r so nice
2011-11-10 02:55:04 richboys love 40 That is so right if his friend want to be a she l, she should look up on it and do it if she wants. And if her friends have a problem then she don't need them. They wont friends to begin with.
2011-11-10 03:02:59 richboys love 40 That is so right if his friend want to be a she l, she should look up on it and do it if she wants. And if her friends have a problem then she don't need them. They wont friends to begin with.
2011-11-11 02:19:33 richboys love 40 Ya I belive the same thing for a Guy r girl u should all ways tell them. And plz don't leave not let assholes let u down I can't spell r read all that good the ppl that love me help me and there is nothing wrong with that I'm 20 and still need help who give a fuck what other ppl have to say ur real fans don't care they love ur stuff please stay here ur story r the reason y I still even get on here anymore I have u booked marked lol and if u ever want to just talk inbox me I live talking my boyfriend and family till me all the time keep writing story's
2011-11-11 22:55:42 richboys love 40 Omg ill pray for him and y'all I hope he is ok. He is strong he will fight he will tell God hell no I'm not ready IV have my love to keep safe I'm not leaving him. He will fight for u keep us up dated.