Comments from sn0wf1ake_91

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-13 01:41:04 richboys love 40 I'm glad he is ok. R u doing ok r y'all the cops looking for the Guy? I hope they find him and lock him up. Keep us up dated k hun my prays r still with y'all.
2011-11-14 16:08:19 An incest birthday chapter 5 U know what dude if we r all tags then y the fuck r u reading this and leaving comments. U know ppl like u r the ones who r scared to say what they really want and from what I see u r the one how is gay and needs to cone our with it and if u want to say something u can find me on here and to the Guy who is writing this good work ppl r just asshoes now of days
2011-11-15 02:59:02 rich boys love 41 Hey I have not read this yet bout to but it sounds like u got mad at the Guy who said hope all is well don't get mad I know u r hurting I would be to just know Harvey is still with u. But how r u cause I know its been hard on u going though all that. Are u doing ok?
2011-11-15 03:07:32 rich boys love 41 Ok just got done lol even when he's hurt he still got jks lol but he the way u put it he seems to be ok. And he also seem to be in good hands. From just reading bout y'all I know u will take good care of him.
2011-12-13 01:54:38 rich boys love 47_(0) Harvey I get what ur saying I can't say IV been there but I know I have family with money and they spend it like it nothing and they wont help me out and they say they have none to give but Leon said he would help if I had someone say that I would take it right now but I know what u mean u r the man of ur family and u feel that ur family needs help but work it out with Leon he loves you and you love him