Comments from Innocent-John

Date Story title Comment
2012-01-10 15:14:04 My sister taught me_(1) Wow! Just what do women really have to complain about? A bit of penis envy sure, but just go buy yourself a GoGirl to aim with. As for the rest, well you girls get all the other fun bits to play with after your 9th or 10th birthday.
Good story, good writing, potentially a great author, given your insight.
2012-01-12 12:21:57 THE GIRL GUIDE Your member name really should be naughty_lesley_tara, and judging from some phrases that are used in your story, you must be a pommy girl.
I reckon that you'd be one of the best authors on this site.
2012-01-12 12:29:59 THE GIRL GUIDE Regarding the 4 entries for my comment, I'll use an Americanism: WTF?
2012-02-21 04:22:16 My Mom and My Dream Girl Will, that is a top start to what could end up as a horny epic. You've plenty of leeway for plot development in any direction. A few minutes spent proof-reading won't be time wasted, if you decide to post more tales.
Like another reader commented, I'd been expecting a hook: that Sara was the half-sister!, but no. Attempt some deeper dialogue, especially between both mums and their respective kids. Stay cool.
2012-11-17 19:53:19 Forbidden Desires Kimiko, would you consider giving grade scores for all of your 12 y.o. schoolboys on their performance while receiving a head job? I remember (all those years ago, now) some of my lady teachers that I'd have given loads resulting in multiple A+ test results!

If you were my teacher, I'd have a hard time getting out from behind the desk. All of your
young boys probably suffer from the levitating desk syndrome! Johno.