Comments from walleyeguyj

Date Story title Comment
2012-02-12 16:29:44 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 5: The Good,The Bad and The Ugly Yes I was an child of the 60's and I am in my 50s
2012-02-23 18:57:29 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 7 Ninety Days and Counting Thanks for all the comments and Chapter 8 is out.
2012-03-14 22:46:14 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 9 The Road to Recovery leads to Carrie?s Place Chapter 10 is now out
Sgt. J
2012-03-30 05:23:18 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 13: The Return Home I know that song well ofchine I burnted my hand. I cut my face
Heaven knows how long it's been
Since I've felt so out of place
I'm wonderin if I'll fit in
2012-04-02 15:21:47 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 13: The Return Home I drove to the cemetery and laid those flowers onto Carrie’s and Melissa’s grave. I saw that their grave site was in order. I also noticed that there was another name on the tombstone. I said a silent prayer for Brenda, as it was her name that appeared. I stayed and I talked to the three of them for some time.

I did not tell the three of them goodbye instead I said, “Until we meet again.”

I drove to Paul and Terri’s place next. I knocked on the front door. Terri answered it.

Terri stood there staring at me for a few second before she said, “John, is that really you,” as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“I am so sorry about your mom, I did not know,” I whispered into her ear.

Terri invited me in and we talked. She told me how Brenda was never the same especially after I went lost. All of them had figured I had done myself in so I could be with Carrie and Melissa.

Was in this chapter you just missed it. I never did find out what she died of just that she became ill