Comments from walleyeguyj

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-14 09:03:50 The Judgment of Sgt. J Chapter 7 Kay's Heart Speaks the Truth Kay here to say thanks for enjoying my story. To David Angel Carrie guides us all but I fear some of us have harmed her as well as John with our actions. Time heals all wounds except to your heart. We can only hope that we have not scarred his heart to deeply for if we have not even Angel Carrie can help us.
2013-03-25 20:34:57 The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 8 The One who became Carrie Cathy here and while I am no writer Kay tells me I should type something here. To Harold thank you for your kind words. I am not for sure it was courage sharing my story. It has been more out of fear. Fear of losing an man I have loved like no other. In knowing John there is a reasoning behind having us tell our story. In the 29 years I have been with him this not knowing his reasoning is troubling for me. The man was right about understanding yourself as I found out when I read what I had told him. I would tell Kay and Sherri I am sorry for what I have done however it is to soon as my story has only just began. I hope this helps us all Harold for we all fear losing the man you call Sgt. J.
2013-03-25 21:06:21 The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 8 The One who became Carrie To our friend David I wish I never heard of this thing men like you and Sgt. J call the code. For I know what that code means to men like you and he. That is what worries me the most; for all of us in his family have no Honor, no Respect, no Trust, no Courage, none of us are just as none of us have done what was right. The only part of the code we have left is HOPE. We all can only hope this turns out with an happy ending. As I typed that a little feeling of understanding came over me. Maybe Sgt. J is right about writing about yourself makes you understand yourself. However I will keep those feelings to myself for now.
2013-09-21 23:46:24 The Judgment of Sgt. J Chapter 9 What or Who have I Become To my readers sorry for not writing as of late. I was dealing with demons which I had no control of and in dealing with them I once again walked into maybe the worst darkness I have ever faced. A long the way I lost something I have tried to give to all of you. I lost Hope however the angel who watches over me would not allow this and she saw to it that Hope was once again returned to me. Give me about a week and I will get a new chapter out. Thanks for all the emails with your concern and I can only tell you that Sgt. J is still on patrol and you will soon hear from me.
Sgt. J
2013-11-25 17:42:07 The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack Out standing Ann, you have managed to capture the hearts of my family as they read your story. We all await your next chapter. In case we don't get a chance to speak before Thanksgiving. A Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from Sgt. J and his family. Oh both Kay and Cathy would like to borrow that red outfit you sexy woman.
Sgt. J