Comments from OneNineNineThree

Date Story title Comment
2012-05-01 02:19:44 Nick and Allie 4 - Love and Lust Hey everyone OneNineNineThree here, I know its been a long time but I promise I am working on 5 and should have it ready soon. Thank you reading!
2012-05-12 16:39:23 Nick and Allie 5 - The Plan, The Pictures, and The Gift OneNineNineThree here. I am just gonna reply to the three comments below and for future readers. I'm actually surprised that people are skipping the side stories. I would think that they would be interesting. I am gonna keep writing the side stories because they tie together with Nick and Allie so if you wanna get the full effect, read the entire story. I don't know, I thought Naomi and Josh had good sex scenes and I liked Brittany's part a lot. Part 6 will be out sometime in the somewhat near future.
2012-05-31 14:22:11 Nick and Allie 4 - Love and Lust Ummm Part five has been out for almost a month.....
2012-06-08 16:45:42 Nick and Allie 5 - The Plan, The Pictures, and The Gift Okay um the real OneNineNineThree here, the person who commented below me is a fucking retard. Get a life instead of pretending you're me. My computer ISN'T messed up and part 6 will be out soon. Once again to the person acting like me, go fuck yourself and please never read my stories again. :)
2012-06-25 17:41:17 Nick and Allie 5 - The Plan, The Pictures, and The Gift Hey guys, ONNT here, I'm sorry that it's taking me forever to release part 6 but I promise I'm working on it. It's just going really slow at the moment as I am job hunting as well as many other things getting in the way. I will try and have it out by this weekend, just because I have such awesome readers! Thank you for all the support!