Comments from 434pelican

Date Story title Comment
2016-01-27 08:13:31 My life of vampirism:part9_(0) Guys im alive but remember i work and go to college so one story at a time ya know. im still trying to find ways to close this one and or extend it. all i ask is a little leniency.
2016-02-21 05:14:59 My life of vampirism:part9_(0) i got part 10 up last night so should be good by monday
2016-02-22 18:13:00 My life of vampirism:part9_(0) in all honesty idk the approval system messes with my uploads and its unfortunately been 3 days so far that its stayed in edit mode.
2016-03-11 01:51:15 My life with vampirism part 10 im going to militarize the story guys. its gonna have the action the romance and our immortal badass finding himself and hopefully finishing the fight! im roughly halfway done with part11 so watch out boys and girls this ones gonna be something new and hopefully amazing. i also wanted to say thank you all for supporting my story and being good feedback machines. ive seen only positive vibes and its going to be over soon but that doesnt mean im over or finished. that just means new content and new characters.
2016-05-12 07:23:30 My life with vampirism finale. hey guys. im looking for a new story to write and i need an idea. male perspective. maybe something fantasy? you decide.