Comments from RandJr

Date Story title Comment
2012-06-19 02:21:18 Shitty joks that are funny as fuck To the person below askin my age. I'll make you a deal; I'll give you my age, after you give me yours. also y u lookin up porn at eight in the morning?
2012-06-19 12:43:01 Where Am I? While this may not be your pain, there are plenty of other people out there that deal with these issues. Normally, if I see some shit harassing a girl, I kick his ass. I also teach self-defense classes up America's east coast. I'm Rand, and if you mention this poem when you sign up, I'll give you a free life-time membership to my dojo.
2012-06-20 23:37:53 The Project_(0) More STORY. There is porn with better lines than you. Come on!
2012-06-21 23:05:19 Shitty joks that are funny as fuck Figure that as soon as I posted it. Im over 14 and under 24.
2012-07-14 21:24:31 So Far Away There was this girl who I knew for a large portion of my life. She ment EVERYTHING to me for a while. Parts of my work is dedicated to her. The rest is to my GF Christina. She helped me through a VERY rough time, and I don't know who I'd be without her.