Comments from RandJr

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-17 14:59:38 Harry potter chapter one Ya need to work on spacing, but I like Harry/Hermione. Ron is too fucking stupid to keep up, and they'd probably get divorced. harry is smart and thinks about others. Hermione is crazy smart, and has been there for him. Ron; eats magical jelly-bellies.
2012-08-04 10:07:09 Hiding as a friend_(1) I did, but for some reason it was posted in the story section. Maybe its just an error. But I posted it in the poem section.
2012-08-04 17:26:25 danny phantom ghost boy series by jayrich Too short, and not hot at all. We need more fanfic stories, but not ones that make us wana never see the series again.
2012-08-16 17:57:35 Feel part one Wow, I know I got a low rating, but I'm not upset. Why; I gotta 69 rating
2012-08-18 17:29:06 Time For School Pt. 1 You say that you didn't do well in school. This might mean that you know you're writing might be seen amature and young. You also wrote a fantasy that is commonly thought of in school. Age is "secret." Hmmm