Comments from old63
Date | Story title | Comment |
2013-03-10 16:34:43 | The Judgment of Sgt. J Chapter 6 Cathy Joins our Family | John, Kay and Cathy, I very much enjoyed this chapter and now I know how the three of you became one. The love was there then and I know it is still there even though recently that has been tested. Let the love and your hearts guide you and let that love also forgive as each of you have something you do regret over the past 30 years. We cannot change yesterday, we can only accept today and we can only grow in tomorrow. Let that love be your guide for you and your family and as you know of me, that does come from a special place. Another wonderful story but it is more than a story, it is about a life that was ended but a new life that is and hopefully forever be shared between the three of you. Old 63 |
2013-03-13 23:11:11 | The Judgment of Sgt. J Chapter 7 Kay's Heart Speaks the Truth | Kay, Cathy and John, You have typed another wonderful story as I understand more about the love which you share. Let your hearts and love for one another go between the three of you to a troubled soul at home because it is needed and I feel there has been troulbe recently. Let Angel Carrie guide your hearts and let her help each and every one to find peace in their hearts for what they have done in the past. We cannot change the past, we can only learn from it and I hope your family will find comfort and grow together. David |
2013-03-24 17:52:22 | The Judgment of Sgt. J Chapter 7 Kay's Heart Speaks the Truth | Kay, Cathy and John, I believe you know what is in my heart and I am here if needed. Nothing more needs to be said between us in this venue. |
2013-03-24 21:01:53 | The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 8 The One who became Carrie | Cathy, Please pass this on to Kay and John's princess Sherri, because I must add a few things about the code. I know you may find them strange because you know of me and I did not serve or come from the Army but somehow I think others have told you about me. While they may mean different things to different people I will tell you of the code which I hold true. The code is not words, the code is me just as I am the code. I do not speak them, I breath them, eat them because they are the fiber of my existence and they are as much a part of my body as my heart. We blame not others because we always feel we are to blame and it is especially so when things are or go bad. For I live and die by the code and so have greater men than me and some of them still breathe. It is who we are and I feel John and others, to include myself will not change as we age. The code is what some of us men not only believe in but it becomes us. David |
2013-03-30 19:24:26 | The Judgment of Sgt. J Chapter 9 What or Who have I Become | Cathy, John and Kathy, You know me so I type this to you this day because I want you to know that the love which you have for one another is all that matters. You have a very special love and let that not escape and while I know what Cathy and others have done they have done to make the man we know as Sgt J their own. As one who has been told that we can love more than one I know that Kay and Cathy combined equals that which you lost so many years ago. I ask Angel Carrie to come to your heart and lead you to what is right because I am not the one or man who can tell you what you should or should not do. I only wish you the greatest happiness and you know that is true from what I have typed before. Look not at faults but live life to the fullest and this is what I want for myself as well as wish to you. Looking forward to the next chaper. David |