Comments from jrockitt

Date Story title Comment
2018-11-11 21:31:35 The Landlord's Pet_(1) Wow. Not my usual cast of characters but you made this an appealing scene. One that I would enjoy being in. Girls or not!
2018-12-24 00:28:50 Kelli 1971 Nice story, good characters, and very believable. It could have happened that way for a.lot of us. Pi
2019-01-28 13:06:08 St. Anne's Sexy Boarding School An arousing and endearing story that makes me wish I'd attended that school. I would think the possibilities for more tales of learning would be huge.
2019-02-25 00:22:59 Kelli 1971 A nicely paced and arousing story.
2019-02-25 00:25:59 Kelli 1971 A nicely paced and arousing story. I would also look forward to another chapter, but it doesn't seem to be forthcoming. That's a shame.