Comments from jrockitt

Date Story title Comment
2019-03-10 23:54:40 Win free sex The joke wasn't bad. The middle school usquabble going on in the comments was juvenile and pointless. Keep it to yourselves.
2019-09-09 12:22:43 Posted an ad to host a couple and watch; It Worked Just an ad in the paper? And anyone can watch a private sex act in their home? That sounds better than dating, commitment and a long affair to me!98
2020-06-04 07:35:14 How I met a cam girl that changed my life. Part 1 Fun girl, fun read. More, please!
2020-06-21 15:00:15 Anna is all grown up Delightful virgin story, delicious deflowering!8
2020-06-21 15:00:25 Anna is all grown up Delightful virgin story, delicious deflowering!8