Comments from NightFall-1

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-17 12:35:14 Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 8 I must admit, I'm not sure if I'll post the next chapter here, the reception that I've received thus far from the comments thou positive at times and mean at others have given pause to wonder whether I should bother, I admit that I blame myself partly for some of the responses, but when I'm receiving comments that lower my belief in myself and my writing, it both makes me angry and sad.

Yes I am working on Chp 9, I will see how I feel, I might give this place one more chance.
2012-07-17 12:51:58 Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 8 I must admit, I'm not sure if I'll post the next chapter here, the reception that I've received thus far from the comments thou positive at times and mean at others have given pause to wonder whether I should bother, I admit that I blame myself partly for some of the responses, but when I'm receiving comments that lower my belief in myself and my writing, it both makes me angry and sad.

Yes I am working on Chp 9, I will see how I feel, I might give this place one more chance.
2012-07-17 12:52:23 Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 8 Sorry for the double post.
2012-07-18 10:24:25 Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 8 Fix Thank you all for your kind comments, your support and the 10/10's.

I admit that I don't think there will be many more chapters to this story, I'll see how my imagination and creativity take me.

Once again thank you.
2012-08-01 12:26:37 Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 8 Fix Fear not, I'm still here life has gotten busy that's all and finding time to write is rather difficult.

Plus I'm also been getting quite a bit or writers block, but don't worry I hope to have it finished some time soon.

Once again I would like to thank everyone for their support.