Comments from Pandora85

Date Story title Comment
2012-08-20 09:31:40 No love between brothers-part 1 Sorry it's taking so long for part two. Right now most of it is written I've got to finish the last little bit and then it just got to be prof read by my HB so it shouldn't be more than another two days
2012-08-22 09:21:22 No love between brothers-part 2 Grrr and now it logged me out so my name wasn't on that last part
2012-08-22 09:22:16 No love between brothers-part 2 Grrr and now it logged me out so my name wasn't on that last part
2012-08-27 15:36:00 No love between brothers-part 3 I'm sorry to who ever that last person that commented was but I did tag it as 'rape'. and the whole story is centered around Jake and Vince's love for each other.
2012-09-02 08:23:08 No love between brothers-part 3 Actually if you read it carefully it's Blake that tells everyone