Comments from Pandora85

Date Story title Comment
2012-10-14 23:44:00 No love between brothers- part 4 Sorry i've been away everyone, but after writing this part there was almost on response so I haven't written part 5 yet or part 6 (yes there will be a part 6 and no you don't have to wait that long to find out if Jake gets his revenge) but anyway I'm going to start it now and will most likely have it up by friday. happy reading :)
2012-11-07 17:48:45 No love between brothers- part 6 Prom night is next! Along with a little twist
2012-11-16 15:26:14 No love between brothers- part 6 Hey everyone i don't know what is up with my story here but the A at ever apostrophe was not there when i typed it, sorry for the rough read
2014-02-10 17:03:38 Loving my sister Chapter1 Lovely thank you whoever the last person was. I would like to go head and tell you ass, just so you know, that there wasn't an edit button until just recently and no one but you in two years seemed to have a problem with reading it. Thanks for you obinon before you even fucking read something. Love you.