Comments from CAliGirl1809

Date Story title Comment
2012-09-01 21:50:30 The Boy Who Lived Down The Street(Part Eight) awh haha I'm sorry I don't mean to.
2012-09-03 00:20:26 The Boy Who Lived Down The Street(Part Eight) It will be up in less then two hours, be patient.
2012-09-03 06:15:15 The Boy Who Lived Down The Street(Part Nine) I haven't really decided what the title is going to be, Maybe 'The SEAL who fell in love', not sure though. And the next chapter with be longer and detailed don't worry. thank you (:
2012-09-03 18:48:28 The Boy Who Lived Down The Street(Part Nine) Awh, thats a good thing right haha
2012-09-05 22:06:02 The Boy Who Lived Down The Street(Part Nine) I'm sorry, I'm writing a lot, there's alot of details but I will try and post it before the end of Friday, Please Be Patient. Thank You(: