Comments from CAliGirl1809

Date Story title Comment
2012-10-16 17:53:22 Hunting the Hunter Actaully its a series, ever read one of those?
2012-10-16 17:54:18 Hunting the Hunter So your trying to tell me how I'm writing my stories?
2012-10-16 18:19:12 Hunting the Hunter Not trying to be mean but I find it funny that you think you know my plot by reading only the first part.
2012-10-16 19:17:34 Hunting the Hunter It gets to me after a while, usually I'm like fuck you I'll do what I want haha but after hearing it for some time I just get tired of it and have to shut them up. I do care, I don't know why its bothering me so much right now but its a new story, same characters but different story. Different plot and events that will happen and I hate that people think they know what I'm going to write, only I know that, sometimes I even change my mind. Hidden memories wasn't suppose to end that way, I had a different ending but a fire popped in my head as an idea of ending it like that and thats how I ended, my ideas are always changing but it goes along with my story, so even I don't even know what I'm going to write next. I bet you guys didn't know that there was suppose to be an actaul rape scene, I have it written but I didn't post it, why because I didn't think you guys needed it down to a detail. If your mad that I didn't post it then sorry but I'm posting what I think you should read.
2012-10-16 20:11:18 Hunting the Hunter Thank you to the anonymous reader below my comment, your one of the many fans I love(: