Comments from Bend Over Backwards

Date Story title Comment
2012-11-25 09:45:31 The Neighbour's Daughter There are some VERY strange comments posted here. It seems very obvious that a great many people cannot tell the difference between real life and fiction. Oh well, they are the sad bastards!

Lollylover; great writing yet again. Love the style, the content and the character/plot development. Up to your usual high standard.
2012-11-25 09:46:34 The Other Half Of Me Read the full story and you'll find the answer :-)
2012-11-25 10:05:52 Siblings_(9) I did not like the slang terminology you used. Spolit the story for me.
However, it gor me hard, which is no bad thing!

2012-11-26 02:45:02 The Other Half Of Me Hi Ghostrider939.
I am delighted you enjoyed the story. I am very flattered you like it enough to download it. Thank you :-)
2012-11-26 06:33:30 Charity Starts At Home: Chapter 1 : Mother-Daughter Reunion I must have been reading an entirely different story to everyone else.

Really, author, this is simply AWFUL! Your writing style is painful to read and your plotting is clumsy. Please, if you have plans to continue this series do yourself - and everyone else - a favour and drop them. Put your energies into something else.

You have some talent, but you are not as good as you think you are.

I make no apologies for being so blunt. Somebody has to give you a reality check.