Comments from phyco

Date Story title Comment
2012-11-17 18:46:08 Double Dose of Bad Seed 6.8: Defiance Thanks for the positive feed back :). Don't judge melody as his downfall just yet :). It is a sick and twisted world he lives in after all
2012-11-18 21:03:34 Double Dose of Bad Seed 6.4: The CD's humm not sure if that was a compliment or yet another person whom got of the little short yellow bus at the wrong story. Who the fuck is Jimmy seville anyway?
2012-11-18 21:19:57 Double Douse of Bad Seed 6.9: Revelations Part 1 Before anyone asks I don't why '' marks show up as A's or how to fix it sorry if someone knows how to fix it please drop me a line.
2012-11-18 22:48:12 Double Douse of Bad Seed 6.9: Revelations Part 1 :) glad you enjoyed. I hope to have part two and three of revelations out soon. Theirs alot of things that cum to pass and big changes in store for JJ's life butyou'll just have to squirm until then. You never did answer my question about the name :)
2012-11-18 23:13:31 Double Douse of Bad Seed 6.9: Revelations Part 1 If the sexy name matched the owner.