Comments from bluesky79

Date Story title Comment
2012-10-11 01:10:40 my Ranger thanks for the comments and i apoligize about the spelling, i was half asleep when i wrote this and didnt bother with checking anything. i just posted it as it was. i will work on a few new stories. i dont know when i will have them out, again thank you and have a nice day/night/evening/morning what ever =)
2012-10-16 00:56:48 i liked it alot, im new at writting romances, but even i have to admit you did damned well.
2012-10-18 02:37:32 MY POEMS unfortently yes i was raped multiple times from the ages of 7-11. and no i never told, at least not until it was too late... writting poetry was and still is my escape route.
2012-10-19 21:29:33 DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT MY OWN SET OF TWINS!!!
2012-10-25 00:12:54 part 4 please, i lov this series i want to read what happen next.