Comments from Norton5

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-07 18:09:04 Easter Bunnies Very hot story and well-written. Move over to this site permanently. We need more writers like you.
2013-04-07 18:11:33 Great story, ZondarTheBear. And to anyone making money off of Zondar's stories: Give the author his fair share, will ya? :)
2013-07-02 21:54:44 Lucy's Tale (Part 3) This is a great series. Keep it up.
2013-07-02 23:00:51 The Wilson Family Saga (Part 4 End)_(1) Very well-written series. Keep on writing.
2013-07-04 00:48:04 After School_(4) Where's the story? And how on Earth has this remained on the top rated list for so long?