Comments from A2O

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-25 10:24:46 Embracing Cold Death pk2curiousReport
2019-02-23 08:07:33
BTW . Forgive my off topicness . Is there more to come of Chase ? Quite the series , that .

First of all, thank you very much.
Second, I wrote chapter ten of Chace's three times already, but it never feels like truly belonging to the rest of the story, that's why I never posted it. I gave it a try just last week, and it didn't work. So I'm still waiting for some kind of inspiration to bring me back to the right mood for that story.
I'm currently focusing this energy on another one that can use the kind of vibe I'm putting into that tenth part - that doesn't work - and turning it into a brand new story.

2020-09-17 09:27:09 I Made The Popular Girl My Pain Slave Very good text! This Taylor reminds me of a certain pop singer. Curious about chapter 2. Keep up the good work!
2020-10-13 23:03:05 The Boss Just wait for it. Second chapter posted and awaiting release, third on the way. They are all longer than this one.
2020-10-16 10:20:01 I Made The Popular Girl My Pain Slave 3 Awesome stuff. I've been reading your stories, they are amazing. Check mine if you'd like some stuff like this, maybe a little more extreme, but same ideas.
2020-10-23 00:11:09 Lilith's Hell - Part 1 That was very good. Waiting for another part. Just a little bit of constructive criticism: I would like it better if you had put any dialogue on her part. What did she say when she was pleading, for instance? What about some understandable groans? Overall, I like the writing, and I definitely like the harshness. Kudos!
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