Comments from Von Armand

Date Story title Comment
2008-12-28 18:33:01 My Neighbors 2 No. But if anyone else wants to take a stab at it, be my guest.
2009-01-02 18:52:20 My Neighbors 2 Weston, my break is going well. But I seem to be cursed with a frustrating case of writers block. Hopefully you will have better luck, please let me know what you come up with.
Kenton, I would enjoy someone working with this plot line. I really should have stopped with the first one. Take a swing at it and let me know how it goes, I would very much like to see what happens next.
2009-02-18 23:16:27 Oh God... yes...! Haha, Babydoll, you still got it! That was very good, makes my stuff sound like crap lol. Are you planning on writing more?
2009-02-18 23:19:44 Oh God... yes...! Haha, Babydoll, you still got it! That was very good, makes my stuff sound like crap lol. Are you planning on writing more?
2009-04-30 19:13:57 My Neighbors_(1) You know I'm not the little boy I used to be, I'm all grown up now baby can't you see?! Vikki's mom has got it going on! She's all I want and I've waited for so-o-o long!

