Comments from ZondarTheBear
Date | Story title | Comment |
2012-12-31 02:44:30 | *blink* blink* Um...okay. Good talking with you. Aaaaand, we're off! | |
2013-01-01 01:14:11 | The Paperboy_(0) | I love 'paperboy and the cougar' stories. In spite of the technical difficulties, your story was spot on and I wouldn't be adverse to seeing a second chapter. |
2013-01-04 21:02:27 | I prefer humorous psychiatric help; its less boring. I did warn you, anonymous judgmental reader; you chose to keep reading, so no, you can't have those five minutes of your life back, they are now mine to do with as I will. I think that I will use them to poop on your meatloaf. | |
2013-01-08 21:00:28 | Is this thing on? Okay. *click* ATTENTION PEOPLE... *SQUEEEEELE* FUCK! Let's try this again. SORRY I HAVE TO USE THE MEGAPHONE, THERE'S A REALLY LOUD FREAK SOMEWHERE ON THE PAGE WHO'S YELLING REALLY STUPID SHIT AT...SOMEBODY, I CAN'T REALLY TELL WHO! NOW, THANK YOU FO...what? He's done? Oh, good. Anyway, thanks to everybody who took the time to leave a comment. There is definitely a second part on the way; I love the idea that there are older teenage girls out there who own their sexuality and don't care what people think of them. I think that the ex-girlfriend may make an appearance somewhere down the road. I haven't decided in what capacity that may happen; it might not. Sometimes my stories take on a life of their own and I become a helpless bystander. |
2013-01-11 22:11:39 | Please, what? As I said at the top of the story, Elizabeth is a real person, every aspect of her physical description is accurate; I've seen yearbook photos of her in the sixth grade, she was, indeed, a small 'D' cup (she is now a LARGE DD cup). If you don't understand statistics, and how puberty effects a small percentage of youngsters, that's not my problem. Have a nice day. |