Comments from ZondarTheBear
Date | Story title | Comment |
2013-01-15 03:21:14 | My Sex Life 1 | So, 'nightwatcher' you haven't posted a single fucking story on this website, yet you feel that you are somehow qualified to judge those who have taken the time to create something out of thin air and put it out there in the hopes that some will be entertained by their efforts. The most positive thing that you've written is that some stories 'aren't as shitty as others'. You are an absolutely worthless critic. Your words are a black hole of stupidity that do no one any good whatsoever. I can see you sitting in your dark basement, crying out to the internet 'I MATTER DAMMIT! I HAVE OPINIONS AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO THEM, EVEN THOUGH I AM NOT QUALIFIED TO JUDGE OTHERS BECAUSE I HAVE NO FUCKING TALENT!' Now that I have dared to speak to you as you deserve, I expect to become the target of your puss-filled diatribes. No worries, at best you will be a minor annoyance, at most, a negative click on the board. I might not notice you at all. Fucktard. |
2013-01-15 03:25:25 | My Sex Life 1 | As for the story itself, it was a solid first effort. Take some time to deal with the typos and story structure and keep writing. You have imagination, with time and effort, you can be a talented writer. No matter if some moronic internet fucktard says otherwise. |
2013-01-15 03:26:26 | My Sex Life 1 | As for the story itself, it was a solid first effort. Take some time to deal with the typos and story structure and keep writing. You have imagination, with time and effort, you can be a talented writer. No matter if some moronic internet fucktard says otherwise. |
2013-01-15 11:32:55 | Yeah, its a FICTIONAL story, anonymous reader 07:08:15. If I say that he has a giant cock, then he has a giant cock. That's how fiction works. You can't say 'no he doesn't, he's just saying that'; well, you can, because I am just saying that, but you sound like a fucking moron when you do. | |
2013-01-16 12:21:35 | This is a seven part story, stop looking at the tip of the elephant's tail and thinking that you know what the whole thing looks like. |