Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-04 13:21:29 A new day, a new me part 10 Still working on part 11, trying to make it longer. I'm not done with this series either so don't worry it is on it's way.
2013-04-28 05:03:06 A new day, a new me part 11 It's being written, sadly it was delayed due to blue screen of death and deletion. The retyping should be done soon, sorry for the delay. Any info about my stories can be gotten by a PM to my profile.
2014-12-22 02:44:48 A New Day, A New You part 3 The site has informed me that I cannot post my latest chapter because 'The story content contains bad words'. That was the error message. Chapter is done but i cannot post. I am not moving to another site but will consider greener pastures if this isn't resolved soon.
2014-04-24 06:32:13 Road Trip part 3 God I love my readers. You all crack me up. Drink some water because they 'sound' thirsty. Turn Rachael into a bad little slut. I am just glad you all are liking my work and guess what. Not only is the next chapter almost done but it is one of THE biggest chapters I have ever written period. Important news so listen up, there is a guy on here called Turboscorpion. He has been messaging me for while and we've conversed but I need you to hear this because i'm actually surprised. He gave me one idea and it's now going to be turned into the 6th and now final series for Guy. I was gonna stop at 5 but this gentleman has helped me to give you a better finale than I have planned. Thank the man if possible and one question, do I have any female readers?
2018-04-12 06:40:42 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 14 For those who don't know I do have a Patreon under my same name and there is a small contest of sorts. Not sure if contest is the right word but you don't need to pay for entry. Check it out.