Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-21 00:49:12 Path to Our Future part 2 When I say it I'm being sarcastic, but I love how you all jumped on the good feels bandwagon in the comments. I think the person was trying to talk me out of doing something without knowing whether or not I was actually doing it. I'm down to the 'am I sure about this' for the next chapter, no ominous intent it's just the editing.
2014-08-20 08:03:39 Path to Our Future part 2 So according to a reader I'm predictable. I'm going to kill off important people and turn Guy into a sullen and brooding asshole. I'm going to alienate my readers in the process and pretty much make sure that everyone avoids my work in the future. Here's my question to my readers since this was put in front of me. Does what waits in the dark for Guy and his crew frighten you? Does it make you worried about the next chapter even though you're in desperate to see what happens next? Calm down and just enjoy the work I put out, no decision by me is made in haste when it comes to these characters. IF and this is my IF, I decide to 'end' a character or a relationship I will have labored over it immensly and spoken on the topic to a few people who understand my work, you know who you are. Enjoy the chapter and 3 will be out soon.
2014-09-18 07:30:29 The Ten of Them. Chapter 30 Did someone call for me?
2014-07-26 18:02:07 Road Trip part 13 I want a name for the person who popped that title.
2014-07-13 05:01:11 Road Trip part 13 Okay so everyone is begging me to not kill off the mainstays. Can't promise that I won't. I do love the speculation about the new bad, A hit squad? The Old Man? The Step Father? All interesting ideas but you'll just have to see how close you are.