Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2014-10-31 03:37:06 Path to Our Future part 9 Okay I have the title for Series Six, it isn't even really done for chapter one yet but I will give you the title. A New Day, A New You. That is the title for the next series folks.
2014-09-21 20:41:31 Path to Our Future part 7 Well it's time for me to chime in again. G, there is the sixth series but there will be no college series, for me there comes a time where you need to stop fucking with people, not characters, people and these are people I created. I'm not saying Guy get's a happy ending but he deserves rest. I took no lessons from Mangus but I do know what is worse than a cliffhanger, it's a cliffhanger and they never finish the story. TheSparkMaster you have acutally hit on a point for me, SPINOFFS!!! I have actually been looking at a few stories involving one or two lesser seen and very small side characters in the Guy Universe, should i call it that? Hey jelad, glad to see you reading my work and happy to see someone turning people onto my work. As for Guy being a baby or going over the top with anger he's stressed and emotional sometimes, look at the bullshit he goes through. Progress for next chapter is slow but i'm still hoping to get it out Friday.
2014-07-27 00:40:16 Road Trip part 13 yeah well i'm not mad about the title, it just helps me push the important work along and it's a good title.
2014-11-28 07:56:13 A New Day, A New You part 2 Happy Thanksgiving. I'd like to give thanks to my woman who encouraged me to continue when I planned to quit the series. I'd also like to thank my fans and readers who's comments mail (if it ever gets working again) are the reason I try to bring you the stories that seem to fester in my brain pan. Remember that I read all your comments save for bad spam advertising and the random key stroke ones that make me believe that typing tourettes could be a real thing. Chapter three is in progress and will be posted when completed.
2014-08-29 02:47:03 Path to Our Future part 3 FYI if you advertise on here for some sort of chat site I'd like to inform you that you have no soul because Cthulhu has devoured it and snapped your mind.