Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2014-04-19 22:12:40 Road Trip part 2 One thing has delayed my production of this next chapter, Cast descriptions. And now that's done. Hope my readers are ready.
2014-11-23 19:51:28 A New Day, A New You part 1 Well i'm hoping to post the next chapter today, sometimes work gets in the way and I need to make money so i can eat and sleep indoors.
2014-11-23 18:40:11 Path to Our Future part 3 My apologies readers, Work got in the way of writing. Hoping to post soon.
2014-07-23 02:28:32 Road Trip part 13 People need to start being nicer on my pages or I will reach a fugue state with them quarreling an may have to postpone my work. Just kidding, thank you for my defense Rose it is appreciated. I am continuing my work on the story, I have no ETA because i'm working on some big things. That is all I will say.
2014-08-10 21:11:39 Path to Our Future part 1 Wow, no trust for Lajita? And some relationships need work before they are fine tuned enough that these things don't happen. Consider that while things are good they can always be better and not everyone can step up and seize the opportunity every time.