Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-19 22:58:40 Path to Our Future part 2 Chapter three is coming along just fine. Will be posted sooner and hopefully the first time. Are Guy and his women really okay? We'll see in the future. I am glad my readers are as devoted as i've been seeing on the site. Will post as soon as chapter 3 is done.
2014-08-15 07:54:37 Path to Our Future part 1 Attempted to post Thursday and the site didn't want it, will try again on Friday. Sorry readers.
2014-08-09 07:18:17 Path to Our Future part 1 PuppetMaster, My long standing fan I have missed you. I have read your words and am disheartened by them. I don't have many names for my fans but yours has been one that I have looked for in the comments section. I'm not going to preface my series with 'don't get too attached' like Mr. R.R. Martin. I must ask you, from writer to fan, please do not shy away from this series. I am working to make it a mission statement for writers that you can do one series to death (joke) and that you can grow characters over time. All I ask is that you put some faith in me as one who will deliver you a story that you will not regret reading. I have done you well for 4 series now and I still have one to go after this. Please read and reconsider.


2014-07-30 16:11:26 Road Trip part 13 It cost time to write but the site does not charge us to write or to post. I think that the 3 and 20 you mentioned are the amount of stories some people have. That would be the writer and what ideas they've written to share or just someone who got their work down on print and didn't feel the need to continue writing. I however have many tales, tales of love and betrayal, medival fantasy and futuristic wonder. I even have a few that are not sweet and very dark. I plan to share every single one with my faithful. But, I will finish out all six of Guy's series first.
2014-09-13 01:37:42 Path to Our Future part 5 WOW, i'm doing final edits after my paying job and i decide to read the comments, lets start at the beginning for me. PSYKO since you capped your name ha ha, More questions to be answered in coming chapters but I will answer questions and give people an ending. S. Sharma thank you for reading and it's nice to know i have some international readers, I read JAshley13 as well and do like the series he put out. Personally i'm glad you enjoy my work and i'm trying to post friday night.

One thing I'd like to stress to my readers is that putting a chapter out one every week is not easy. I do a lot of storyboarding for the series but some scenes take time and editing is a pain in the ass. I do however appreciate the patience you all show me and if it takes longer i have to speed up the next chapter or two to get back on track. Will post tonight with luck.