Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2015-04-22 06:06:49 A New Day, A New You part 10 To answer a reader's question that doesn't have their profile fully approved and i can't reply on the site. Guy and Stuart are two very different fighters which is why when Guy fights it sounds/feels different from when Stuart fights. Guy had years of experience and training but he was not a heavy person so when he fights he strikes hard and with as many shots as he needs to or he immobilizes a limb and then cripples it. Stuart has less training and a metric ton of power thanks to Devin. Stuart when he does hit his opponent is full force in the first hit. Also Stuart is a bit of a grappler which helps him utilize his strength when slamming someone to the ground or throwing them around. Hope this answers your questions and hope your profile is approved. Back to my writing.
2015-05-01 21:25:35 A New Day, A New You part 11 Well the focus will be more on Stuart till the end of the series unless there needs to be a dramatic change to the landscape. Time delay occurred due to sheer bad mood and brain failure. If I have multiple Ghosts following me does that mean I'm haunted? Yes on the Robin love, she took time and care in the creation but still everyone needs to learn and maybe she did. For those talking about chapter length this one was actually smaller than previous chapters so this or longer is the norm. Next chapter I'm going to give my readers something they've never had before, something that i have been considering and will run with in story presentation. As for new works I have things lined up BUT I will finish this series first. Thanks for the love and keep commenting with your thoughts.
2015-05-03 16:42:29 A New Day, A New You part 11 Fear not the new, fear the small number of reads in comparison to the previous chapters after four days posted. How are my readers and what do we look forward to seeing? Aside from the ex getting a beating.
2015-05-19 06:58:40 A New Day, A New You part 12 This is not the end of Guy and Stuart, there will be a time when I may return to them to further their stories and lives. For now however there will be new people in the Guy-verse who have loose connections with our main hero and they will be focused on for new stories. Glimpses of one has been seen already in an earlier series and another will be coming soon. I promise on my honor that I will finish this series first before starting any new projects. Also there will be an Alternate Guy story, not many details but i have most of it prepared and ready to put out. It will be a one time series. No sagas like the regular Guy series.
2015-05-07 02:20:10 A New Day, A New You part 11 Remember that it's not Guy, grand dispenser of ass kicking running this job, it's Stuart. The chapter is coming along quickly and i'm hoping to post before end of the weekend.