Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2016-04-15 22:00:28 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 5 Well at least people are enjoying the story. Biggest reason I post it at all is my fans.
2016-04-05 05:19:38 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 4 I haven't tried to post since my chapter was delayed by events at my place of work and in my home. I will say that I'm not sure if anyone is posting other than me recently but I will call out a notice that I posted on the comments here when I do.
2016-05-19 02:47:07 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 6 Wow, posts in the morning and 4k reads by the evening, thanks fans. The delay and some free time allowed me to get a jump start on the next chapter. Will it be out sooner? I don't know. Biggest thing that I'm doing is putting out the best chapters I can, not the fastest. No to address a few things. Glad you like the series minus the last one Shariar, message me with details as to what you didn't like about Stuart as I am curious. Reallylonelyguy I understand your personal views on how Guy acts, believe me I wrote the Original Guy the way I did because it felt right however thanks for the vote. GhostCharger it's starting to come out but you are in for a ride first. Tunaf1sh calm down it's going to be alright I swear.

"What do people want to see? Ummm Love... Happiness... Good government? No they want blood and guts and sex and hate and more blood. They want entertainment."
"Violence and suffering are not forms of amusement"
"Believe me kids, they are."
2016-04-11 17:48:49 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 4 Put chapter onto site morning of the 11th. Hopefully it will be approved soon.
2016-04-13 18:23:01 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 5 My work and job hunting while working took me this long. I have to put real world first and bills need paying. I don't lime being stressed out and delaying these anymore than you do.