Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2016-03-07 03:43:31 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 3 Hey, Mr. Testicular cancer fighter. Don't ever fucking quit. Fight till blood comes out through your skin and you have to claw your way though hell. It's your life and you keep fighting for it man. I'm pulling for you here.
2016-03-10 03:43:25 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 4 I'm actually looking at more than twelve chapters so I can use the full scope of guy's metamorphosis. Yes it is a slow piece but I'm not without my plans and from what my content editor has told me they are worth it. Please continue to enjoy and I'm already half way through next chapter.
2016-03-14 18:14:10 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 4 All these requests for Imelda... be careful what you wish for. It doesn't always work put the way you hope. So now I'm a crack dealer? That made me laugh. Now looking at this series and Guy being so different I am working on something better... or worse when it comes to him but as I said the turn is coming. Hoping to post soon since this chapter is coming along faster than others.
2016-03-21 05:38:24 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 4 I read Somestory, I liked Somestory, I won't do someone else's works. He made those great and I honestly could not do them justice. And I've been getting requests for Guy's change sooner than later. My response: You're looking for a rainbow and I haven't even given you a storm yet.
2016-03-23 21:59:07 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 4 I apologize for a delay in this chapter, work has been a bag of dicks. Not in a remotely fun way and the stress kept me from tapping into the creative well. Basically stress equals writing performance issues and there is no little blue pill for it. I'm getting back to work currently and intend to post soon.