Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2016-09-12 04:55:34 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 8 Second part of Message: I have and will again attempt to contact an administrator to gauge the delays and if I'm not given a time frame or response then I will have to take things into my own hands and ANYONE who messages me privately will be heard for new sites and contacts so I can gauge where to go by dealing with people. Sorry for the delay and sad to see people leave but if they aren't delivering like I am I can understand.
2016-09-12 04:53:13 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 8 I can understand people's frustration, I haven't been on here for more than a few minutes recently due to work and family obligations but the site has fallen off more so this past couple of weeks than anything else. Now here's my 'problem' with posting on some of the other sites people have mentioned. First they won't let me publish works that I've posted here, it loses it's originality or something. Second rules on this site at the time of post changed and new sites WON'T let me post due to their current rules and I won't rewrite my works for that, sorry but I made it the way it is. Third and final, when I was attempting to contact sites they were very enthusiastic about me moving there but a few, not many, wanted to saddle me with someone to help my creative process. Am I frustrated with the delays, hell yes. Will I continue to post on this site till this series is over, possibly. Finally am I still looking at moving to a different site, I don't know.
2016-07-01 00:42:55 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 7 So I'm going to guess it's a good thing I'm half way the next chapter's writing? Everyone has been waiting for the meeting of Father/son/sister and next chapter you'll get it, this I promise. In the meantime please show some love to Hawkrider's work. I'm reading it when i'm not busy with my own writing and he's got a different level of character commitment than I do and it's refreshing.
2016-09-02 03:29:40 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 8 As soon as chapter ten is complete and edited I will post it. If this isn't posted by then, and i hope it is, it will be two stories in line to drop while i work on eleven.
2016-11-07 07:24:24 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 10 So I took some time out to unplug and relax inbetween sections on the latest (possibly last) chapter. One of my strongest traits is to enjoy something and not immediately make an exception for it in my stories, it's bad form and ruins the natural creativity. That being said and I know this will make some people cringe a little I just have to say: Hello, I'm Negan.