Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-19 06:03:53 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 8 So i'm in final editing of chapter nine and starting on chapter ten before posting. Thoughts anyone? Opinions? Feelings? Are my international readers still out there? I was told I'm really good and not being stereotypical and yet very stereotypical at the same time. Not sure but I take it as a compliment.
2016-06-11 02:12:41 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 6 Well apparently my fans don't need me, guess I'll pack my gear up and stop writing.... ah I'm just kidding although I think marcdoodl was cheering for a second there. You say there are gaps in my chapters, if you mean time between releases then there is nothing I can do about that and I'm sorry you feel that way. I have explained that I have things that are priorities in my life and if you can't understand that then I'm sorry for you. I'm not Stephen King, never claimed to be and honestly I wouldn't want to be. I think he's a tremendous author, I read his works growing up (I love horror, can't write it worth a darn according to some). I will say that I do not personally delay when posting chapters as to drive up numbers or ratings. WHen it's done I post and then it takes days to approve. Only thing stopping my posting is whether or not the chapter is completed. Still Hot thank you for the positive and I read you beign a little playful with your last two sentences so no offense taken.
2016-06-12 23:09:06 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 6 Okay first everyone I believe that hot was just being funny and sarcastic and not rude or hurtful. Yes he/she would probably like chapters out sooner and I'm trying but if everyone could just step back and lay off them I'd appreciate it. It's just humor as far as I could see and I was just being funny back. Second I'm done when I'm done. I choose when I stop writing not the trolls or the hacks or the nay sayers. Don't like me then don't read me because here's what happens. You hop onto the story and slam what you want bit you just added to the number of reads. You get a profile and hop on to vote, you must added to the total reads. Every time you cometo bring the negative you make it bigger and iI smile at over 110,000 reads. It makes me happy so you really want to hurt me, don't read it however.... I know the names of at least thirty people who will and probably countless more without profiles who will as well. So step up to my work and let me take attendance.
2016-06-12 23:21:36 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 6 Also hoping to post by Tuesday.
2016-06-16 04:22:30 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 6 I was a day late in posting and I apologize. I barely finished and i left a bit of a warning in the introduction. Let's see how long it takes now.