Comments from sofman

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-21 20:25:48 I CAN'T RESIST MY NEIGHBOR, OR HER TEENAGE GIRLS! - PART 2 I am with you all completely, however, as an attorney I must say that constitutional rights do not apply in all cases and unfortunately, Child Pornography is something that is banned in the US and many other countries because of the so-called harm it does to children.

I fully understand that this is intended to prevent harm to actual children, so I fail to see the logic in limiting the creativity of writing about such behavior.

However, rather than fight it, we simply chose to remove our stories from this site all together and be content that some of you (hundreds of you perhaps) got to share our life stories. We are content to have published them in a booklet to be kept by our family as a fond memory of our many years of experience.
2014-01-15 20:10:59 My Hot New Family Part 1 Excellent story. Well written! Nice job!
2014-01-17 19:21:17 I Like to Watch Boys Masturbate Nice story sweetie! (I love to watch guys masturbate too.)

As for paragraphs, whatever you use, a tablet or a PC or your iPhone, simply put 2 carriage returns after each paragraph and this venue will separate them nicely into easy to read paragraphs.. The new layout lets us edit easily now so just go back and add a CR to each paragraph and re-publish. Easy!

Very nice job!


2015-02-03 01:41:21 Sharing Two Sisters Very nicely written. A positive vote. Now a little constructive criticism? There are quite a few typos, word misuses (to for two, there for their.) and if you could perhaps get an editor to proofread before publishing your stories would be perfect.

All in all, great job!
2016-09-28 12:47:23 Tender Trap It's good to see a story written in proper English grammar and punctuation, with a good flow, buildup and climax (pun intended).

Very nicely done!