Comments from blkdemon02

Date Story title Comment
2015-05-30 17:36:16 Genesis Volume 5 Anonymous readerReport
2015-05-28 02:59:08

I mean there is a overall plan for this story and this volume is supposed to jump start it.

Anonymous readerReport
2015-05-28 18:18:21

I prefer the idea's of weak spell. However what if it revealed someone's full stats, skills, and abilities. Since this is still a rpg this feature would make more sense in Genesis. Just throwing out some ideas.
2015-06-02 20:42:03 Genesis Volume 5 Anonymous readerReport
2015-06-02 20:29:25

So less like mind reading and more like a compilation of stats? By going that route it open's up the part that this skill may not be 100% accurate.
2015-06-22 21:51:14 Genesis Volume 5 End of the month as per usual.
2015-09-03 23:35:38 Genesis Volume 6 NightFireWizard
Thank you for your patience.

Anonymous reader
Hope, is necessary in life. Thanks for believing

Anonymous readerReport
2015-09-01 09:05:46
I actually almost quit tbh.

Anonymous readerReport
2015-09-03 04:38:10
Yeah, got writers block, than had a couple disagreement with my family. Been working on some things. Vol 7 is done just need proofing. Releasing schedule, school just started so give me a while to give you all a definitive answer.
2015-09-19 19:04:51 Genesis Volume 7 Due to this thing called college there won't be any volumes till the middle of next month. I have some exams coming up. I want the good grades. Sorry about that. On that note the next Vol. will the last one I post here. After that there will be posted on the website.

Anonymous readerReport
2015-09-17 15:06:28

Thanks, writing this story helps. Sometimes b/c I know more about games than most people it feels lonely. Coming here reading your comments made me realize I'm not the only weirdo out there. Again thanks.
P.S. You are 100% correct with counterfeint...